Revisiting Kuldotha


So it’s been some time since I’ve played any standard, and while I’m still working on my MBC deck (post rotation I see it becoming very strong), put away somewhere, I still have my good-ol’ Kuldotha Red. Continue reading

Some of Them WANT to be Abused

So it’s probably no secret by now that the whole set of New Phyrexia was leaked (and spoiled early as a result). As far as I can tell it’s looking to be one of the most exciting sets in a while. But, this is not a review article; I’ll save that for another day. Instead, I want to look at two cards in particular… Continue reading

[NPH] Cards: English Edition!

In case no one is paying attention, new cards were spoiled in Japanese over at MTGSalvation. Being the tenacious fans we are, the cards were quickly translated. Alas, the images were still in english. So what have I done? Mockups of all of them! (Note that the art for Karn is missing due to the textbox transparency, and no full art available; the name of one of the cards was not known at the time of this post)

One of these is a guess a friend of mine made at what it would do. I think I’ll stir the pot a little and have you guess which. 😉