New Blog Schedule

So if you haven’t noticed, some things around here have changed. Namely, that’s the layout; it’s easier to read and navigate (or so I’d like to think anyways). In any case, with this I’m going to attempt to keep to a schedule of at least one post every week, on Saturday, so everyone knows when to come back here at the least. That’s not to say there won’t be sporadic updates Sunday through Friday though, because lets face it, Magic happens every day of the week, and crazy things like, say, a set’s Godbook getting spoiled far in advance of a set’s prerelease, could happen (and has). This is as much for my benefit as yours though, since much of the things I intend to post never get posted due to forgetfulness (I have a life too!).

So, until Saturday…

…or whenever I post again before that. 🙂

PS: If you haven’t checked out my mockup spoiler for Innistrad, do it! I’m still working out a better way to organize it, but I’ll be sure to put up any translated mockups and things of that nature up ASAP after they are spoiled.

[ISD] Innistrad Spoiler (8/264)


This gallery contains 8 photos.

You can follow me on twitter for updates on cards being added, as unfortunately I believe my RSS feed to be functioning improperly. Sources